Keeping your Brain Healthy as you Age

As we age we need to keep our brains healthy by doing new things.  Unfortunately the old saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks is a pattern we all tend to fall into.  We tend to fall into patterns of behavior that we are used to and comfortable with so do many thing involed in our daily lives the same way over and over.  The old saying "if it isn't broke don't fix it" becomes the reasoning for our behavior especially as we age. But if we do the same thing over and over as your brain gets used to the patterns and isn't challenged the way you need it to be to keep it young and fresh so try variations on what you know.   For some folks, it might be games, for others puzzles others searching for new cooking recipes or learning a new hobby.  Find something you like and continue to try challenges and new variations.  If you like crosswords, proceed to a more challenging string or try your hands at a word game when was the last time you played Scrabble or a similar game with a friend.  If you prefer to cook, try a completely different type of food, or try baking in the event that you've mostly been cooking over the stove.  If your spouse doesn't like new foods great say hello to a neighbor and bring them a dish to try.  It can help you to connect to a neighbor or make a new friend.

Taking on a new topic is an excellent way to keep it fresh and challenge your mind to learn.  Have you always wanted to learn another language?  Learn how to play golf even Wi golf or bowling is a new activity but is much less physically demanding so may be a good alternative?  There are many inexpensive classes at community centers or community colleges that allow you to tackle new topics.  Many community colleges have free classes for seniors so inquire on options available it is a great way to get out and challenge yourself which will keep your mind active. 

Volunteering is also a great way to learn about a new area.  Taking courses and volunteering is a wonderful way to boost social relations, which can be another brain strengthener.

There are good reasons for keeping your brain active as your body.  Keeping your brain active and exercising, by maintaining imagination can help to prevent memory issues and cognitive decline.  The more energetic and social you are and the more you use and sharpen your brain, the more benefits you'll get.  This is especially true if your livelihood no longer challenges you personally or if you've retired from work altogether.

Try to work in something fresh and new in every day.   Attempt to work in something new each day, whether it is taking a different route to work or your supermarket or brushing your teeth using another hand (besides brushing your teeth with your other hand will probably make you smile when you’re looking in the mirror).

Let the professionals at A Caring Hand for Mom (and Dad) help you we have over 30 years of experience and are happy to help in any way we can, so call us at 800-881-7706 and visit our website bog for more interesting articles.

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Dementia Symptoms Now What

Dementia Symptoms there will likely be noticeable decrease in communication, learning, remembering, impaired judgement, memory loss and problem solving.  These changes may happen quickly or very slowly over time.
What is dementia?  
What are the symptoms and signs of dementia?
Dementia is a collection of symptoms including memory loss, personality change, and diminished intellectual functions that result from illness or some form of trauma to the brain.  These changes are not part of normal aging and are severe enough to affect daily living, independence, and relationships.  While Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, in addition, there are many other forms, including vascular and mixed dementia.
A lot people experience lapses in memory as we get older.  It may be worrying and confusing to understand that something you took for granted isn't functioning and it used to.  However, learning to distinguish the symptoms and signs of dementia in normal aging can help to  either put your mind at rest or invite you to begin taking steps to slow or reverse the condition.  Some forgetfulness is normal and increasing memory loss may not be.  Some loss in clarity is related to dietarty deficiencies and imbalance and can be corrected through dietary changes, vitamins etc while other memory loss or dementia is progressive in nature so consult your doctor if you are concerned
Whenever you don't appear to be remembering things as you did in the past, it could be extremely upsetting, even terrifying.  Facing up to the possibility of dementia or memory loss necessarily shifts your perceptions, relationships, and disposition.  But suffering from symptoms of dementia does not have to mean the end of your life.   The first step would be to understand what distinguishes normal memory loss from dementia symptoms, and how to recognize the various types of dementia.  The more you know about dementia, the further you can do to improve the outcome and plan appropriately.
So what do you do if you have one of the progressive forms of dementia?  Sit down and talk to your family set up a plan to manage things.  It is important to understand when it is safe to live at home in the early stages and when it is not the best option.  
There are several housing assisted living options that may be appropriate the first is standard assisted living in a apartment setting in a community setting.  This is appropriate for those who are in the earlier stages and are safe in an apartment setting.  The next is a Memory care facility which usually is for those with advanced dementia that need more one on one observation.  Group homes are also an excellent option for all stages unless the individual wanders during the night time ours which can be disruptive to the group home when the other residents are sleeping.  Speaking with an experienced  assisted living referral agency who employ healthcare professionals like the ones at A Caring Hand for Mom is a good step as they will help you to understand the options available and costs for the various options which may vary widely.
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