Popular Herb Shows Promise for Counteracting Age-Related Memory Problems

By Sarah Sloat

 on April 8, 2019

Filed Under BiologyHealth & Public Health

The gut is in a complicated relationship with the brain. The dynamic goes both ways: A troubled gastrointestinal system sends distress signals to the brain, and a bothered brain sends similar signals to the gut. On Monday, at the 2019 Experimental Biology meeting in Orlando, scientists gave a glimpse of what happens to the brain when gut health declines — and presented a delicious intervention that may help prevent that decline from happening.

With the results of a mouse study, scientists from the University of Louisville make a compelling case for the consumption of garlic. This pungent member of the onion genus Allium contains a compound called allyl sulfide, which, as these scientists discovered, helps keep gut microorganisms healthy — which in turn keeps cognitive health robust.

Garlic, they find, may be especially important for the elderly. In older people, the diversity of gut microbiota — the trillions of microorganisms that colonize the gut — is diminished, and this may underlie many ailments of the elderly. As people get older, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s develop, and in turn memory and cognitive abilities decline. The scientists suspected that changes in the diversity of the gut microbiota could be linked to these deteriorations, and that garlic may help prevent them from happening in the first place.

Lead author Jyotirmaya Behera, Ph.D., said that “dietary administration of garlic containing allyl sulfide” could keep these declines at bay.

Old mice given the garlic compound had improved memories.

The Power of Garlic

The power of garlic was revealed by groups of mice that received an oral supplement of allyl sulfide. The mice that took the supplement were 24 months old (equivalent to 56 to 69 human years); the other groups were made up of mice that were either 24 months old or four months old, neither of which received the supplement.

The older mice who received the garlic compound demonstrated better long- and short-term memory than the other 24-month-old mice who did not receive it, the team reports. Notably, they also had healthier gut microbiota: the allyl sulfide supplements appeared to prevent intestinal inflammation.

Furthermore, those mice had higher levels of a protein-coding gene called NDNF. Previously, University of Louisville researchers discovered that this protein is required for long-term and short-term memory consolidation. Now, the scientists suspect that oral allyl sulfide benefits NDNF, in turn stalling cognitive decline. 

At least in mice, allyl sulfide appears to pack a one-two punch that keeps down gastrointestinal inflammation while improving the diversity and maintaining the homeostasis of gut microbiota. And a happy gut means a happy human: The microbial communities that live in us play a fundamental role in our health, the extent of which we’re still discovering.


This article was posted on INVERSE.com and shared on Flipboard and reshared here on our Blog.  As always A Caring Hand for Mom (and Dad) tries to share relevant news that will hopefully give you more information to improve the quality of life for yourself and your loved ones.  We help families find quality, affordable asssisted living options and memory care options throughout Arizona.  A Caring Hand for Mom (and dad) is an assisted living referral agency.  Our services are offered FREE of charge to our clients so don't search alone call the local professional who will help you find the best options for your loved ones care.

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Keeping your Brain Healthy as you Age

As we age we need to keep our brains healthy by doing new things.  Unfortunately the old saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks is a pattern we all tend to fall into.  We tend to fall into patterns of behavior that we are used to and comfortable with so do many thing involed in our daily lives the same way over and over.  The old saying "if it isn't broke don't fix it" becomes the reasoning for our behavior especially as we age. But if we do the same thing over and over as your brain gets used to the patterns and isn't challenged the way you need it to be to keep it young and fresh so try variations on what you know.   For some folks, it might be games, for others puzzles others searching for new cooking recipes or learning a new hobby.  Find something you like and continue to try challenges and new variations.  If you like crosswords, proceed to a more challenging string or try your hands at a word game when was the last time you played Scrabble or a similar game with a friend.  If you prefer to cook, try a completely different type of food, or try baking in the event that you've mostly been cooking over the stove.  If your spouse doesn't like new foods great say hello to a neighbor and bring them a dish to try.  It can help you to connect to a neighbor or make a new friend.

Taking on a new topic is an excellent way to keep it fresh and challenge your mind to learn.  Have you always wanted to learn another language?  Learn how to play golf even Wi golf or bowling is a new activity but is much less physically demanding so may be a good alternative?  There are many inexpensive classes at community centers or community colleges that allow you to tackle new topics.  Many community colleges have free classes for seniors so inquire on options available it is a great way to get out and challenge yourself which will keep your mind active. 

Volunteering is also a great way to learn about a new area.  Taking courses and volunteering is a wonderful way to boost social relations, which can be another brain strengthener.

There are good reasons for keeping your brain active as your body.  Keeping your brain active and exercising, by maintaining imagination can help to prevent memory issues and cognitive decline.  The more energetic and social you are and the more you use and sharpen your brain, the more benefits you'll get.  This is especially true if your livelihood no longer challenges you personally or if you've retired from work altogether.

Try to work in something fresh and new in every day.   Attempt to work in something new each day, whether it is taking a different route to work or your supermarket or brushing your teeth using another hand (besides brushing your teeth with your other hand will probably make you smile when you’re looking in the mirror).

Let the professionals at A Caring Hand for Mom (and Dad) help you we have over 30 years of experience and are happy to help in any way we can, so call us at 800-881-7706 and visit our website bog for more interesting articles.

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