The Flu Season is Real


The Flu is Real this Season!  

Here is some general advise to help you during this time of year:

1.)  It's possible for you to get the flu even if you received the flu vaccine.  Especially since this years taken is just 10% successful in some areas.

2.)  You've got a virus using a span of 7-14 days during which you're likely to feel as if you would like to perish; you may/will have fever, chills, severe headache, sore throat, chest congestion, nasal congestion, coughing, and sneezing, sore throat, acute weakness/lethargy, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea and severe body/joint aches. 

3.)Viruses DON'T get treated with antibiotics, so it must run its course.   Proceed to your primary care physician, urgent care, or telephone triage nurse FIRST, however, understand there is little they can do to help you.  The one thing that they can help you with is medication for acute coughing unresponsive to over the counter drugs or acute diarrhea/vomiting.  You don't need antibiotics unless you build a secondary lung infection.   

4.)  DON'T GO TO THE ER. . .UNLESS you have shortness of breath, you cannot keep down fluids for 24 hours, have persistent liquid stools accompanied by nausea, speedy heartbeat or low blood pressure.   Tamiflu is an antiviral drug that is found to be somewhat effective, and also comes with important side effects and cost tag

5.)  DO take Tylenol AND Advil/Motrin/Aleve in MAX doses (unless contraindicated with other wellness issues) to alleviate fever, headache and body aches.   Talk to your doctor!

6.) DO take over-the-counter flu remedies.  Be cautious taking combinations of different medications to prevent overdosing and overtreating (for example, some flu medications already have Tylenol (Acetaminophen) in them, read the bottle. 

7.)  Use home remedies such as "hot toddies" (whiskey/lemon/honey FOR ADULTS ONLY), hot showers, vapor rubs, vapor humidifiers, essential oils, etc..    Drink a Lot of fluids!  Hot liquids and soups may be helpful. 

8.) Try to keep nutritious intake.  Milk products may thicken mucus and aggravate coughs.  If your urine is yellow or darker, you aren't drinking enough. 

9.)  IMPORTANT: A rule of thumb about coughing! . . .If it is productive (coughing up sputum), DO NOT suppress it with meds.  If it's non-productive (annoying and dry), then DO suppress it.  Make sure that you're properly hydrated, especially with a productive cough (it thins secretions and makes them easier to cough up and outside).  Elevate your head when you sleep to decrease coughing/secretions. 

10.) PLAN AHEAD if you can --stock up today on essential medications, juices and beverages, soups, popsicles, and broth so you are going to be ready.  This time of year it is not strange to find store shelves empty.  You won't need to go shopping if you or a loved one is ill. 

11.)  LIMIT THE TIMES YOU GO OUT IN PUBLIC!  An elderly person or someone in poor health or with respiratory disease can certainly die from the flu and you do not want to be the one who exposed them.  Do NOT send a child with a fever to school during influenza season.  Help out your school nurses. 


13) Consider Elderberry as a powerful remedy against flu symptoms as well as other homeopathic medications like Oscilloccilum.   I also like additional immune support herbal products like emergen C, echinacea and golden seal as well as zicam for colds.

14.)Take meds responsibly, this information is my opinion from personal and professional experience, and I'm not liable for any action taken based on these recommendations so speak with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medications.

15.)  As always if you are interested in more informtion about healthy liivng please read our Blog and visit for more information on assisted living options.  Follow us on  facebook as well.  

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