Making the Move: Your Parent’s Adjustment to Assisted Living

Moving is always a difficult transition. However, it can be especially tough to adjust to for seniors who have had to relocate from their hard-earned homes to assisted living in Peoria, AZ. They will be effectively leaving behind everything they know, everything that has brought them comfort and security in the past, to live in a strange new place. Assisted living may also serve as a deep reminder of your senior parent's growing limitations, making the adjustment that much worse to bear. Luckily, you can help make the move to assisted living a bit easier to deal with. Keep reading for tips on how to help your parent make the most of their new living situation.

Offer Them a Bit of Comfort From Home

One way you can help with your parent's move to assisted living in Peoria, AZ is by encouraging them to include some of their favorite mementos from home. This may include decorations, knickknacks, family photos, heirlooms or other sentimental items your loved one may not want to part with. They can arrange these items around their new bedroom at the assisted living center to remind them that home is never too far away.

Get Involved

When your parent first moves into assisted living in Peoria, AZ, their adjustment may be hampered by feelings of isolation. They will be surrounded by strangers while already dealing with immense changes to their routine and self-sufficiency. Try to visit with your parent as often as possible during this time and beyond. You can also encourage your parent to try and make friends with those around them, whether by taking part in activities in the surrounding area, or within the facility itself. Many assisted living facilities in Peoria will offer their residents a variety of fun things to do and accomplish during their time there. This prevents boredom and will help your parent to make new friends.

Reaching Out

Remember: your parent had their own thriving life prior to their move to assisted living. They had old coworkers, friends and neighbors they spoke to on a regular basis. Help your parent maintain those connections however possible. If they mainly contacted their friends and family by phone, you can purchase a cell phone for them or request a land line be added to their room. Alternatively, you can keep their room stocked with stationery, writing tools, envelopes and stamps so they can send letters to others. If your senior loved one is especially computer savvy, you might get them a laptop or tablet so they can Skype or email with their outside friends. This bit of familiarity will ultimately go a long way!

Getting Acquainted

Ideally, you'll want to help your parent adjust to their new living space long before they actually arrive there. Attend events and routines together so you can both gain a sense of what the facility is like. Having prior familiarity with the center will make it a bit more familiar and the move less jarring to deal with.

At A Caring Hand for Mom, we are 100 percent dedicated to helping senior loved ones gain access to only the most comfortable assisted living environments. Give us a call at 800.881.7706 or visit our website to learn more about how we can help!

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